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Stricter Mobile Phone Laws for UK Drivers

As of 2022, the UK government has enacted tougher laws and harsher penalties regarding the use of mobile phones while driving. These changes aim to improve road safety and deter dangerous behaviour behind the wheel.

Closing a Legal Loophole

Before the new legislation, there was a legal grey area that allowed drivers to use their phones for certain activities like taking photos or videos, playing games, or scrolling through playlists. This loophole enabled some drivers to escape punishment despite engaging in distracting activities on their mobile devices.

Under the revised laws that took effect in 2022, it is now illegal for drivers to use a hand-held mobile phone under virtually any circumstance while driving, including being stopped at traffic lights or in traffic jams. The only exceptions are for making a permitted hands-free call to the emergency services on 999 or 112, or for using officially sanctioned payment services at a drive-through collection point.

Expanded Definition of Hand-Held Use

The changes have broadened the definition of ‘hand-held use’ to include actions beyond making phone calls or sending text messages. Virtually any use of a mobile device held in the driver's hand is now prohibited, such as:

  • Unlocking the device
  • Illuminating the screen
  • Checking the time
  • Checking notifications or messages
  • Taking photos or videos
  • Scrolling through playlists
  • Accessing any apps or data

Essentially, drivers are not allowed to hold mobile phones for any purpose while operating a vehicle, including when the vehicle is stationary. Devices must now be securely mounted in a cradle or positioned entirely out of reach.

Increased Fines and Penalties

To underscore the gravity of the offence, the penalties for violating the hand-held mobile phone laws have been significantly increased. Drivers caught using a hand-held device now face a Fixed Penalty Notice of £200 and six penalty points on their licence. For drivers who have held their licence for less than two years, just six points results in their licence being revoked entirely.

In the most serious cases where a mobile phone was directly responsible for an accident, drivers could face much heftier fines, a driving ban, or even imprisonment.


The regulations are clear regarding the permissible use of a hand-held device while driving. It is only considered legal if the vehicle is safely parked, except if you’re waiting in traffic or stationary at traffic lights.

In the case of emergencies, drivers are permitted to make 999 or 112 calls on a hand-held device while driving, but only if it is not otherwise safe to stop.

Following the recent law update, drivers are allowed to make contactless payments in a stationary vehicle, for instance at a drive-through restaurant or tolls. Additionally, with the introduction of new vehicle technology, drivers can use a mobile phone if it is being used to park the vehicle remotely.

Improving Safety

These stricter measures reflect the growing concerns over the dangers of mobile phone use behind the wheel. Studies have shown that drivers who use their phones, even hands-free, are significantly more likely to be involved in a collision.

This crackdown on hand-held mobile phone use while driving aims to eliminate a dangerous source of driver distraction and protect all road users. With public awareness efforts and the threat of strict penalties, the UK government hopes these new rules will discourage risky habits and save lives on Britain's road.

Noble Solicitors possess extensive expertise in assisting clients with the preparation and presentation of careless driving cases. With a deep understanding of the legal system, we offer comprehensive support and guidance to individuals facing potential driving bans for failing to stop and report an accident. Our team of skilled solicitors works closely with clients to gather compelling evidence and construct persuasive arguments to defend legal actions taken against them. We are dedicated to leveraging our knowledge and experience to help clients navigate this complex process and achieve the best possible outcomes.

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